This program is for:
- Adults who are inquiring about becoming Catholic. This is an opportunity to explore and look deeper into the Catholic Church. There is no obligation to continue if you feel that this is not the time.
- Adults who have never received Baptism and wish to become Catholic.
- Adults who have received a recognized Baptism and want to become fully initiated in the Catholic Church receiving the Eucharist and Confirmation.
- Adults who are Catholic having received Baptism, Penance, and Eucharist and now desire to receive Confirmation. (This is a special Adult Confirmation program that leads to Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday. This involves online coursework supplemented with in-person sessions with the Pastor and others.)
- The following documents must be sent by email or mail to complete the registration process.
- Pastor’s permission letter
- Copy of Baptismal Certificate
- Copy of First Communion Certificate
- If married, a copy of the Catholic Marriage Certificate
- Registration Fee of $150 per person ($200 per engaged/married couple).
- The following documents must be sent by email or mail to complete the registration process.
Those having regularly participated in the class will receive the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass. For Adult Confirmation, those who have completed the coursework and supplementary in-person sessions before Pentecost will receive Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday.
Each person entering the program will meet individually with the Coordinator to complete the necessary paperwork, answer any questions, and discuss any concerns. Once in the program, there is no obligation to continue if you are not ready to proceed.
In preparation for the Easter Vigil, individuals will need to attend some preparatory rites on special Sundays. Attending Sunday Mass each week is part of the requirements of preparation. In-person sessions will include a detailed discussion of the Mass and a tour of the Church. Theological and Pastoral concerns will be discussed. We will also explore the Scriptures/Bible.
Please contact the FAITH FORMATION OFFICE for more information, or if you want to sign up for OCIA.