TEL: (718) 386-5616 | (718) 456-9217
EMAIL: [email protected]

84-05 78th Avenue | Glendale, NY 11385

First Eucharist & First Reconciliation

God’s Divine Mercy & Love
First Reconciliation, also known as Penance or Confession, is a Sacrament of Healing. In this sacrament, we examine our conscience, confess our sins, profess our sincere sorrow, and promise to try to do better. We also receive healing and strengthening Grace.  First Eucharist, also known as First Communion, begins our full participation in the Mass through the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ.

For the 2024-25 school year: Children who have completed Year 1 of religious education will receive First Reconciliation during the month of March and First Eucharist in May of Year 2 of religious instruction. These children, usually, are in the 2nd Grade in school.*

*Older children who have missed receiving these sacraments in the 2nd Grade, will usually receive them in the 8th Year of religion when they receive Confirmation, provided they attend all the intervening years of instruction. Children in this category, who are out of standard sequence, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

We also work with children with Special Needs to receive First Eucharist and Reconciliation.

There are important meetings that Parents/Guardians are required to attend:

  • The first Parent Meeting is in October at which time you will receive the dates for First Eucharist.
  • The second Parent Meeting is in January.
  • Four PROXIMATE Preparation projects/meetings to be announced.

Please check our Calendar for exact dates and times.



Theresia Stalzer, Director
718-386-5616 | 718-456-9217

Fax: 718-456-0286
Email: [email protected]

Sacred Heart Parish Website

Tweets by Pope Francis